Loretta is a registered clinical counsellor who graduated in Master of Counselling in 2003 at ACTS. Loretta has more than 15 years of counselling experiences. She has been invited as a speaker to groups helping them know and understand different psychological/emotional issues.
Loretta has received training in Energy Diagnostic and Treatment Method. She is a certified EMDR Therapist and a registered member of EMDR International Association. She is also certified in Neurotherapy (LENS) and in rhythmic therapy (IM).
Loretta believes that counselling is a journey for people to heal from the trauma they experienced so that they can live freely. Her role as a therapist is to provide a safe place for people to understand the root of their problems. Clients are given the space to express their emotions as she walks with them to deal with their hurt and pain. In this way, she helps them resolve their emotional blockage so that they can experience positive changes that will enable them to have both better intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships, and the ability to deal with their future problems.
Loretta enjoys hanging out with friends. She likes reading, music, and movies. She and her husband are blessed with two adorable daughters living in Vancouver.
Loretta is available on:
Tuesday 9am-6pm
Wednesday 9am-10:30am, 1pm-7pm
Friday 9am-7pm